My biggest influences as a designer have included the pragmatic clarity of the First Chicago School, the machine-like precision of the Second Chicago School, the humanistic ideals of late modernists such as Harry Weese and Bertrand Goldberg, the vernacular geometry of California’s Third Bay Tradition, and the sustainable principles of Pacific Northwest critical regionalism.
But above all else, I believe in a design approach that is heavily grounded in equity, sustainability, and the humanistic aspects of design rather than slavish devotion to antiquated historic styles, fleeting fashion trends, or abstract theoretical dogma.
I strongly believe in a collaborative design process in which all stakeholders play a critical role, and that architecture of lasting quality is not merely a static object to be admired nor a consumer product to be commodified, but is designed with the human experience at its core. Throughout my career, I have striven to create built environments that serve the needs of their users and the public while being honest in structure and materials, responsive to human needs and aspirations, and sustainable in the broadest sense of the term.